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Children's Eye Exam

Our Facilities

Empty hospital room

Our Facilities

24 hours Air conditioner and inverter facilities in Guest room.

Room allocation is provided for the patient through out the treatment period those who are travelling from distance locations so that they can feel a homely atmosphere.

We can cure all the eye related diseases which are not even cured by expensive surgeries and professionals doctors here in India and also in abroad.

We are providing eyeglasses for the patients on the same day of treatment. Patients need not to wait for more days to get their glasses.

human eyes
About Us

The "Amar Eye Yoga" is a natural therapy of treatment for various eye diseases,problems and disorders if reconized at the early stage possible which can be overcomed only by the natural method through a series of exercises enhansing the relaxsation more

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Clear Vision

Mr. Amarendra Biswal,

34,35 & 36 Saptagiri Township,






Contact Numbers

+91-9443181046 / +91-8526508599 -
Arya Amarendra kumar Biswal (Director)

+91-9487981046 - Astha (Managing Director)

+91-9042511319 - Eswar

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