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Eye Exam


Myopia is a hereditary disease, which means that probability for somebody to develop short sightedness (Myopia) proliferates if their parents also have the same disorder. In addition, the threat of developing short sightedness may increase because of several environment related cues, for e.g. a kid not getting enough exposure to sunlight, or kid not going out and spending too much of time inside or investing too much time on doing some close to eye work and straining eyes..


Myopia And Hypermetropia

Both myopia (short-sightedness) and hypermetropia (far-sightedness) are common eye conditions that occur when light does not focus on the retina properly. Both conditions are easily corrected using prescription glasses or contact lenses or, in mild cases, by laser eye surgery.


Blurry vision when looking at distant objects.

The need to squint or partially close the eyelids to see clearly.

Headaches caused by eyestrain.

Difficulty seeing while driving a vehicle, especially at night (night myopia).

About Us

The "Amar Eye Yoga" is a natural therapy of treatment for various eye diseases,problems and disorders if reconized at the early stage possible which can be overcomed only by the natural method through a series of exercises enhansing the relaxsation more

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Clear Vision

Mr. Amarendra Biswal,

34,35 & 36 Saptagiri Township,





Contact Numbers

+91-9443181046 / +91-8526508599 -
Arya Amarendra kumar Biswal (Director)

+91-9487981046 - Astha (Managing Director)

+91-9042511319 - Eswar

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